Thursday 29 March 2012

wind chime

first stage for wind chime. The wind chime will be a structure made of nine aluminum rings with rings attached to them which have iron nails attached to them. The ring with the biggest diameter goes in the center and the consecutively smaller rings are attached to it with string. 

single stringed bottle guitar

Two bottles that have a nylon string through them. The string can be tightened using a tuning peg.The bottles are held in place with two aluminum clamps. The whole apparatus is placed on a flexible ply board. The bottles amplify the sound made by the string so in effect they are the sound boxes.

The wooden tuning peg tightens the string to change the pitch and the pitch can be further modified by pressing the string (between the peg and the bottle) down on the board at different points.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

The Xaarp(p silent)

The Xaarp- The instrument is essentially a cross between a harp and a metallophone but the structure of the harp has been completely changed . The sound box has seven steel tumblers attached opposite to the sound holes which create a metallophone like sound. The shape of the glass amplifies the sound and sends it outwards. The shape of the sound box is trapezoidal with creates a nice reverberation within the box. The harp itself is made up of fifteen strings that can be tuned . there are two rows of strings . One row has the tones the other the semi tones. The notes start on G# as it resonates with the tumbler better if it starts on the same note. The strings are attached to a neck that is held up by two pillars that are attached to the side of the sound box. the tuning keys are attached to the neck. the metallophone can be played using a striker made out of M-SEAL and wood. The wood used is hard Plywood. The strings are Steel and a combination of other metals.

(the metallophone made out of tumblers)

(striker for the metallophone)
(tuning keys)
(sound holes in sound box)

Friday 16 March 2012

Music maker - Rahul Chacko

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Wednesday 14 March 2012



This is my final instrument and I made it with plywood, Whey protein bottle and guitar strings. The T-shaped thing is for changing the tune from high to low tone and vice verse.

The function of the bottle is for amplifying the sound. And I named my instrument as GUINJO because I incorporated the idea of a guitar and a banjo.